
Lean on a wall with a ball positioned at the upper traps muscle which is on top of the shoulder to the side of your neck. Move the ball around to find a tight/ropey spot and try to spend 30-60sec on it. Aim to find at least 3 of these points.

Lay on the ground with a ball positioned at the upper traps muscle. Move the ball around to find a tight/ropey spot and try to spend 30-60sec on it. Aim to find at least 3 of these points. If you want more pressure, lift the hips up.

Place a ball on the wall and lean the back of the shoulder blade onto it. Move the ball around to find a tight/ropey spot and try to spend 30-60sec on it. Aim to find at least 3 of these points.

Sitting or standing, guide one arm across your body and pull the elbow close to your chest with the other hand. Hold for 45-60sec.

Place the ball on the corner of a wall and lean the pec muscle (front of the shoulder) onto it. Move the ball around to find a tight/ropey spot and try to spend 30-60sec on it. Aim to find at least 3 of these points.

Using pressure through your thumb or fingers, move around to find a tight/ropey spot in the muscle and try to spend 30-60sec on it. Aim to find at least 3 of these points

Stand at door frame or corner of a wall and place your elbow at shoulder height. Lean forwards to stretch out the front of the shoulder. Hold for 45-60 sec. Repeat again with the elbow up higher than the shoulder.

Using your thumb on the inner part of the armpit and fingers wrapping around to the back, push into the muscle with your thumb trying to find the ropey part of the muscle. Hold the release for 30-60sec. You don’t want to feel numbness, tingling or a pulse when you do this.

Facing a wall, place your elbow above your head, in line with your shoulder. Try to get your armpit as close to the wall as possible. Hold for 45sec.  

Place a ball on the wall and lean the lat muscle onto it. Move the ball around to find a tight/ropey spot and try to spend 30-60sec on it. Aim to find at least 3 of these points.

Standing using door frame, wall or kitchen bench – place both arms in front and shift the hips backwards. Let the head and chest move down through the space between the armpits. Hold for 45sec.

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